Monday, February 9, 2009

Phew, glad that's over!

A week later and I'm doing well. Less pain, less meds, less naps, but still as flat chested as ever. Really flat. Sigh, I keep forgetting and surprising myself in the mirror, although I know I'll get used to it quickly. I forget because I don't feel any different. Only, when I hug people, I still expect my chest to touch them before the rest of me. I should be able get prosthetics this week or next but I'm not sure I'll wear them much --I like this no bra thing I have going on. It feels like I've never worn bras in my life. Maybe I should get double D's just to see the look on people's face. Ha! Good fun. The steri-strips come off tomorrow, which means I can take a real bath and or shower (another good step) and soon I'll be able to sleep on my side... god I can't wait! Like in every good zombie movie, with every hurdle I cross I think "Phew, glad that's over!" I might even go to work next week...

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