Monday, August 10, 2009

Closure week?

I know I've been writing less, but less is happening on the cancer front which is a good thing. We're back from PEI, where I got to relax in the countryside and at the beach. I was quickly reminded though, of just how weak I still am. I must pace myself or I just zonk out.

This week is all about medical closure of some sort it seems. Wednesday is my last regular blood test and oncology appointment --I think. Will let you know. My doc will push me to take anti-hormonal drugs that will induce menopause. I'm already having hot flashes just from the hormonal effect of chemo, and they are no fun. Like burning up from the inside. It's not something I'm willing to do, and since my doctor's job is to push me to do all I can to survive, I feel a struggle coming on. Don't get me wrong, I want to live, but there are others things I can do for myself to help me stay alive, without the early menopause.

Thursday is my 6-month-follow-up-to-surgery appointment where I will probably get my plastic surgery referral. And I also have an MRI, the last step of the Chemo fog cognitive study I was part of --until next year, that is. The only things that are left, as far as I know, are a nuclear heart test, other odds and ends tests, and the big one, reconstruction surgery. Not looking forward to that, but looking forward to the result.

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