Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I hate BPA

Has anyone seen the eco scandal of the weekend? SIGG metal bottles made before August 2008 have Bisphenol A in their epoxy. Find out here on Treehugger and RealGreenGirl.

C. de Lune and I have been using SIGG bottles since last summer when the Bisphenol A in plastic info came out. I threw out all plastic #7 kitchen pots, utensils, sippy cup and water bottles, and we haven't bought bottled water in just as long. Now I don't remember SIGG saying their bottles were made out of stainless steel or were PBA free --I just assumed they were, since they were the first available alternative to plastic. I was wrong. And once again, my dad was right: "ASSUME makes and ASS of U and ME." And if you think you never heat up those bottles, well leave a metal bottle in the car in the sun and you will see that it heats up quickly. To think Claire was drinking milk from her bottle today.

If you don't know what this chemical is, you need to. It's a synthetic estrogen like phthalates that has the power to act as estrogen in your body. It's recently been linked, even in small doses, to breast cancer (well look at that!) and other hormone receptive cancers, infertility, growth issues, brain development issues and many other health concerns mostly in babies and children. No amount is safe --think about it. If your water bottle has a so-called "safe" amount, and all your canned foods have "safe" amounts, and your eye glasses have "safe" amounts, then your food has phthalates in "safe" amounts, and your shampoos, and your cleaning products... That's a lot of estrogen you're absorbing every day. In fact, since hormones act as cell regulators, having your hormones out of wack is bad news for you, good news for cancer cells. I'm living proof --no pun intended.

Well I'm pissed. I feel like one of those victims in Erin Brockevich (with less money that is). Who do I sue over this is what I wanna know. I feel I could have prevented my cancer, so I'm going to do everything I can to protect myself and my loved ones from it. But it's hard. The world is poisoning us. I go to the supermarket and all I see are health hazards. I replace something bad with something I think is better, and then I find out it was just as bad. But I'm not going to give up.

I'm starting a new blog about all I'm learning in my mission to save my ass. I've been finding out so much I want to share with you. I don't have a name for it yet. I'll still contribute to this one as my cancer chronicles, no worries. But hopefully, soon there will be no cancer to, um, chronicle...


Michelle said...

Very excited that you will start to chronicle what you find out. I'm really interested.

Unknown said...

Hey A,
If you go to SIGG's website, they defend the use of their bottles (and the BPA) by saying that they have their bottles tested by an independent lab and have proven that their bottles do not leech bpa into water or other contents. That said, I'm not impressed by the SIGG bottles, and Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) now only sells food and water containers that are 100% BPA free. Turns out, you can make a plastic bottle that doesn't have BPA in it at all, and they sell very light and strong stainless steel bottles that are completely harmless (as anyone who has any support pins in their body already knows). I would stay away from Aluminum bottles (SIGG) completely because they either leech aluminum into your food (associated with Alzheimer's), or in the case of SIGG, they have a plastic coating that contains BPA. Now if only canned food, beer caps, beer cans, etc... could all have a plastic coating that doesn't contain BPA. And for heaven's sake, never cook a chicken upside down on a beer can, no matter how good it might taste.

Your's truly,

Newest Hollywood skank

A said...

Thanks Pierre, great comment. Made me smile. I never did try the chicken on beer can thing, but only because I don't like beer :).