Monday, November 24, 2008

What I know so far

Info I know so far about this thing I have...which is not lots:
Invasive (or infiltration) ductal carcinoma, grade 2 (means the cells are moderately aggressive), and they don't know the stage. I think it's a 1 or 2, but hey, I'm not a doctor, not even the fake PHD kind :). I don't know what treatments I will need, but I know I will have surgery soon. My first oncologist appointment is on December 1st. I will know more then, and will let all of you know. Scary. I don't like needles. HA! Will get used to them! But for now, I'm in good feeling denial.

1 comment:

Smiley face said...

Please, keep us posted.

This is a good way to find out how your family and you are doing without always having to ask and feel like we are intruding your life.
That way, you write when ever you feel like it and ready for it in stead of when even someone ask.

Thank you for keeping us posted

Your friend