Saturday, December 6, 2008

Week from hell, or was it?

This last week started with my oncology appointment, as you know, and will end with the Nutcracker tonight, with family. There were many, many ups and downs and I feel the ride is just picking up speed.

I scheduled an MRI, an X-Ray (both on the 19th) and a post test, pre-op appointment with the surgeon (January 5th). That's when I'll get my surgery date and find out if I have the choice of keeping my breast or not --but that's another story. Last but obviously not least, I got a call from the Centre of Nuclear Medecine (or something like that) telling me they want to see me too. Hearing that on the answering machine is a little disconcerting, believe me!

Got into fights with the ones I love most, but in all that mess, raw honestly and real vulnerability was share like never before. For that, I am grateful. Found out my kid is, in fact, the smart ass D calls her --my kindergardener was evaluated to be of a grade 3 level, I kid you not. Our guess is she might skip a grade or two, which would make her 15 or less when she starts university. D is worried about this scenario, which father wouldn't. Had a really nice lunch with friends from work and got checked out by a crowd of middle aged men (that won't happen when I'm bald all over and flat chested), had a casual dinner with friends, and had a great night out with D.

Lastly, I've learned a lot about who I am, my baggage, my fears, and why I tick the way I do. Funny how this cancer is turning out to be the something that is forcing me to face life, not death.

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