Thursday, January 22, 2009

All the gory details

So I have gory details, anyone interested? No? Too bad! As my colleague D said at work "I'm just that kind of girl". So if you have a weak stomack, look away --you know who you are.

After I arrive for surgery on Thursday, I will be prepped, sedated (thank god), injected with die, frozen from the neck to the waist (awesome) then put to sleep. I will wake up 2 hours later all morphined up. The nurses will talk to me to make sure I'm still alive (that will be annoying) and ask me to take deep breaths (um, won't my chest hurt... a lot?). Oh well, whatever. I should sleep most of the afternoon and evening, and I go home the next day --with drains for blood and fluid. What kind of fluid you ask? Beats me. All I know is the tubes will be sewed to my skin (gag!) and I will have to empty them and keep track of the amounts. This sounds vaguely familiar, like breastfeeding, just gross and not satisfying. They will be coming out in about 5 days --that should be interesting. I can't lift anything for awhile but I'm sure I'll be able to type! The home nurses will be coming to see me and inject me with good stuff if I need it. You should see my prescription --full of insane stuff.

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