Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Oddly enough, I'm on this high of energy tonight. Feels like the pre-baby nesting syndrome. I want to clean my car in the snow, in my bathing suit --that's how much energy I have. Maybe just a run on the treadmill will do. I'm debating between Abba and NIN as running music --angry or happy. Happy or angry. ANGRY! Yes. Will make me run faster. Good. Will run myself silly, then eat chocolate cake, then take my last bath in 10 days (yeah, yeah, stinky girl), then write a list for D and stick it on the fridge, then take that magic pill my doctor prescribed. One pill in a pill container. That should be interesting.

C de Lune said goodbye to my breasts earlier. She has more of a relationship with them than I ever had. She was fed, comforted and made strong by them for a full baby year. She loves them and has never hid it (which can be inconvenient at best). As I was sitting at dinner, she gave me hugs, then she cupped my breast, gave little kisses on my shirt and said "bye bye sein à maman!" Awesome. They can go now. I don't need them anymore. Neither does she.

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