1) I'm smart and I did my homework. Good thing, because I can follow a doctor when she speaks about all this breast cancer stuff. I think she even was impressed with my memory.
2) My tumor is 2.1 cm which drops me in the Stage 2 cancer arena. At that size, there's 40% chances it has spread to my lymph nodes, but if it did, I'm still a Stage 2 (there's an A and B). The tumor is also close to my chest wall, but not attached to it. That's good news, but doctors don't like that closeness.
3) My bone scan shows skull and hip issues. That's disconcerting, don't you think? That means I either had accidents/trama or I have cancer there. I remember having a concussion at 7 or 8 and going to CHEO, so they will have that report.
4) I still have to go for 2 x-rays to check those bones. I also have an ultrasound next week and a pre-opp appointment where I will meet a physio therapist, get blood work done and a heart test done.
5) My surgery date is Thursday the 29th of January, exactly two weeks from today. No exact time yet. Had a feeling about that date. Who did I say that to? I will be staying over night and most likely be home on Friday.
6) Here is the biggy: I'm getting a double mastectomy. Yes, no more boobs. By doing this I don't add years to my life --since I'm now "in the system" and will be monitored closely. If cancer would ever appear in my saved breasts, they would find it right away. But that's not why I'm doing it. The stress of a lifetime of lumpy breasts, mammograms, biopsies and MRI's is too much to handle. I can cope with reality much better than maybes... And if I panic on surgery day, I can change my mind and get the lumpectomy. A mastectomy can come later if I want it. I might even get to avoid radiation depending on the lymph nodes and chest wall results.
7) Reconstruction will be a year later...2010 fresh new breasts! Yes, there are scars , my breasts will be numb for the rest of my life and if I have more kids I can never breast feed them (yep, apparently I will still be able to have children), but I don't care. I will have peace of mind.
Oh and the image is the oh so scientific drawing my cancer surgeon made for me... :)
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